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Eco Friendly Investing Tips

If you are growing increasingly more concerned about the ways in which you can help create a sustainable world for yourself and future generations, and are also seeking to play the market, you will undoubtedly want to utilize eco-friendly investing tips. Begin by …

Defining yourself. What does eco-friendly mean to you? Figure out where your individual passions lie before you decide to invest. Does nuclear energy seem like a viable solution to you, or are you opposed to it? Does the use of biofuels create ethical quandaries or do you see them as a necessary means to power the world? You might also consider how deeply you want your decisions to be based on conditions with stocks other than environmental, as many businesses are involved in animal testing, pornographic ventures, and tobacco. Which leads you to …

Doing your homework. While some businesses seem too good to be true on the surface, it is possible that they are. Dig a little bit, and you can find out if a company’s track record is clean, or if they have been involved in the past in some dirty dealings that might hurt the environment. This will help you with …

Trend spotting. Research will tell you about current trends in green investing, including sources of green technology and analysis. After that, you should turn to …

An Ethical IFA, or Index Fund Advisor. This person should be able to help you create your eco-centric profile before they recommend any funds to you. You should then be able to consider your …

Attitude to Risk. Starting up with renewable energy stocks can be risky, so if you aren’t feeling particularly bold or if you are just starting up, you may want to spread your money between different funds, sectors, or geographical areas. Conduct more research or ask for help before you make any big decisions, including …

Green Pension. You will want to be aware if the pension company you plan to possibly invest in is truly eco-friendly. Some are involved with mining or oil companies whose business practices may be questionable or completely unethical. Finally, consider …

Management and Monitoring. After you have defined yourself and done your homework, you should be able to have reasonable expectations when planning your investments, which means that you are probably aware that eco-friendly specific funds are at a disadvantage when compared to those that can invest anywhere, without concern for sustainability or renewable resources. You will also need to monitor the performance of your investment, but this means keeping an eye on its current performance while considering how it has performed in the past, though the future is never determined by past performance. You may, depending on the size of your venture, be able to use purchase order financing if you have little access to working capital or a less than steady cash flow.

By following these tips, you can go green and see it at the same time … through the cash your investments will bring in!

Clay Miller
the authorClay Miller
I am the creator/writer of and I'm an advocate for oceans, beaches, state parks. I enjoy all things outdoors (e.g. running, golf, gardening, hiking, etc.) I am a graduate of the University of Kentucky (Go Wildcats!!). I'm also a huge fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers. I was born and raised in the beautiful state of Kentucky.

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