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8 Eco-Friendly Ways to Pimp Out your Home Office

Adding elegance, environmental concern and style to any home office and living space

Glass whiteboards, also called glass dry ease boards, add a classy edge to any home office. These multi-functional tools are ideal for idea-generation and to keep the lines of communication open between your coworkers and your family members. Simply record messages, daily schedules, weekly to-dos, and even grocery lists on this handy, central communication tool.

When it comes to a stylish office, glass whiteboards have many eco-friendly benefits over traditional chalkboards, cork-style bulletin boards and even traditional whiteboards. Check out the following earth friendly benefits and pimp out your home office with the stylish elegance of a glass whiteboard for 2012.

1. Glass whiteboards produce less mess: By virtually eliminating dust—especially compared to the mess that traditional chalkboards make—glass whiteboards are high style with low maintenance. Chalk has a habit of producing a lot of dust that creates a dirty layer of dust on the surface of your computer, your keyboard, your lighting and your furniture. Chalk dust not only causes damage, but can create a hazardous breathing environment, especially for asthma sufferers.

2. Glass holds up longer over time: If you compare traditional dry erase whiteboards that experience a “ghosting” or deteriorating effect from markers use with glass dry erase boards—which don’t deteriorate at all over time.

3. Glass dry erase boards offer a clear solution to office clutter: If you work from home and want a pimp office, a glass white board will virtually reduce paper use (e.g., sticky notes) and fade into the background when you don’t need it so it doesn’t clutter your home office or small work/living space.

4. An all-around purpose surface: Glass dry erase boards are true multifunctional tools in every sense of the word, for instance they double as projection screens for slide shows and presentations; they act as office schedulers and organizers; and they’re used general bulletin boards for posting research notes, messages and even inspirational photos.

5. Glass whiteboards eliminate paper waste: Simply use less paper—such as office note pads, Post-it notes, graph paper and print outs by sharing information via your glass whiteboard.

6. Its recyclable: You can recyclable the glass surface—even including the metal hardware. Plus, they are completely free of plastics, formaldehyde, paint and adhesives—so your home or office will never be exposed to toxic vapors or gases.

7. Purchase for the long term: You don’t need to replace glass whiteboards as often as you do traditional white-coated dry erase boards or chalk boards because the glass surface is strong, stays clean and doesn’t break down as quickly.

8. It’s even eco-friendly to clean them: Compared to the chemical solvent sprays you have to use to erase dry clean marker from traditional whiteboards, you can easily clean a glass whiteboard with green-friendly and organic glass cleaners that are safe if pets or kids are exposed.

Clay Miller
the authorClay Miller
I am the creator/writer of and I'm an advocate for oceans, beaches, state parks. I enjoy all things outdoors (e.g. running, golf, gardening, hiking, etc.) I am a graduate of the University of Kentucky (Go Wildcats!!). I'm also a huge fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers. I was born and raised in the beautiful state of Kentucky.

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