When it comes to the apps that are available to us, there are a myriad of things that they can do. This is great news for people who are making conscious strides and concerted efforts to make their businesses more “green” because there are actually many apps that cater specifically to the eco-friendly platform.
If you’ve wanted to become more energy efficient, but you weren’t sure how you could use your apps to do just that, here are five ways to get you started:
Fuze Meeting. One of the most obvious things that we all can do for the environment is lower the emissions in the air by cutting down on our traveling. Fuze Meeting is an app for iPads, iPhones, Androids and Blackberry mobile phones that does just that by helping you to host or attend business meetings online. (FuzeBox.com)
Route4Me. If your company does happen to require a lot of driving from one destination to another, Route4Me is an app that is a navigational tool to help you find the quickest routes to the places that you want to go. This significantly helps to cut down on your fuel, which is both eco-friendly and financially-savvy (Route4Me.com).
Good Guide. Do you need some assistance in figuring out where to go to purchase sustainable products? If so, Good Guide is an app that features over 70,000 products, along with product ratings, that will help you in making responsible selections. The real cool thing about this app is that you can literally use your phone to scan various items to see how it rates when it comes to health, the environment and social responsibility issues. (GoodGuide.com)
Greenpeace Tissue and Toilet Paper (Recycled). It may not be something that a lot of us talk about, but every company needs tissue and toilet paper, right? There is an app that assists you in knowing which paper products are recycled and which ones are not. Until you download the app, three brands that are high on the list include Green Forest, Natural Value and Seventh Generation. (GreenPeace.org)
SoundNote. Here’s a sobering thought. Did you know that each year, we use as much as 71 million tons of paper and paperboard products? Why not do the environment a favor and take your notes down on an app known as “SoundNote”? Not only can you write down things with it, but it also records audio and comes with a drawing tool too. (SoundNote.com)
Again, these are actually just a few of the options that you have to choose from when it comes to “go green” apps. Just like with most of the technological world (remember when it was initially all the rage to download Audacity for audio recording?), apps are ever-evolving and new ones are introduced to the market on a consistent basis.
So, when it comes to finding ones to fit your specific eco-friendly needs, make the time to do a bit of research. For instance, if you’re looking for places to do more recycling, put “phone app” and “recycle” in your favorite search engine (Earth911.com/irecycle will probably be one app to come up). As the world is becoming more environment conscious, so is technology and discovering this fact is at the touch of your fingers (on your phone). Literally.
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