Nutritionists and health care providers agree that green leafy vegetables offer many benefits. However, despite this knowledge, many people don’t eat greens often. A great percentage of Americans still prefer to eat meat, fast foods, and ready to eat products.
As a person ages, he or she tends to suffer from eye diseases like macular degeneration and cataract. Blindness and impaired vision are common among aging individuals. With proper nutrition and eating more of green leafy vegetables, you can protect your eyes. Since green leafy veggies are rich in antioxidants, you can get rid of free radicals that cause eye diseases.
Most greens contain lutein which is a popular compound that offers eye protection. Proper diet and nutrition protect aging eyes. Aside from eating green leafy vegetables, you should also eat whole grains and cereals, healthy fats (e.g. walnuts, fatty fish, and canola oil), and foods rich in protein. You also need to avoid sodium and drink plenty of water.
According to studies, leafy greens are rich in nutrients that the body needs. Since these veggies have low caloric content, it can help you maintain the ideal weight. If you want to avoid heart diseases and cancer, you should start eating greens.
Here are other benefits offered by green leafy vegetables:
- Reduces mortality risks
- Great for patients suffering Type 2 diabetes because such veggies have low GI (glycemic index) and high in magnesium
- Daily servings of leafy greens can make the bones stronger because of the high vitamin K levels
- Great sources of calcium and iron; spinach and Swiss chard contains a lot of calcium, as well as beta carotene and vitamin A
- Dark colored greens help protect the eyes through the high carotenoid levels including zeaxanthin and lutein
- Anti-cancer capabilities because of the high levels of antioxidants, flavonoids, and carotenoids; try eating more of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage as these veggies are rich in isothiocyanates and indoles
- Contains the natural compound called quercetin which is considered an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
You will love green leafy vegetables. The green color is available in different varieties including bluish green to Kelly green. These veggies can be peppery, earthy, bitter, or sweet. All you have to do is pick the ones that you like and those that are rich in nutrients.
It is a wise decision to include green leafy vegetables in your weekly meal plan such as bok choy, collards, mustard greens, Swiss chard, and other greens. Aside from these veggies, you should also add these 4 more super foods to keep you super healthy – blueberries, spinach, oysters, and wild salmon.
You can consult a nutritionist to learn more about eating a healthy and balanced diet. If you are used to eating unhealthy foods, this is the perfect time to introduce changes. Though diet changes can be hard at first, you will surely benefit over the long term. Start by eating green leafy vegetables that you like. From there, you can try experimenting on other greens.
It wouldn’t be a good idea to exclude vegetables in your diet. Even if you take supplements, the nutrients that come from the foods you eat are still better. Aside from eating the right foods at the right amount, you should also get enough exercise. If you can do these things, you will be able to have a physically fit and healthy body.
Author bio: Crystal Lewis is marketing manager at Dailychump provides information related to weight loss, fitness, nutrition, beauty and skin care.
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