Littering has always been a huge pet peeve of mine. I think littering is the ultimate in laziness and is such as selfish act. However, some people seem to feel that everywhere is their personal wastebasket. feels the same way in their mission to having a litter-free society.
From the website:
The idea for occurred while reminiscing about the N.Y. Cares annual clean up day and how frustrating it is that everyone had to come back the next year to do it again for no good reason. There are lots of complex problems in the world, but, to stop littering, litterers simply need to stop littering.
Have you ever wondered if society will eventually become litter-free? Did you ever wonder how they would have managed to accomplish that?
Well, that’s exactly what we are initiating. This website is selling the rights to a litter-free society. To symbolize and implement this enterprise we are selling stuff with our logo.
By purchasing these items you will become authorized* to exercise your prerogative to pick up one or more pieces of litter a day. And, by actually engaging this prerogative, you are, in effect, voting for a clean society and helping to stigmatize littering.
*products not actually required to exercise said authority.
On the Ways2GoGreen Twitter account I have tweeted about my dislike of littering. One of my most popular tweets is the following:
Don’t litter. Ever. I mean it. I will find you and rub your nose in it. Seriously.
Not littering is about as easy of a green activity to get in the habit of doing as there is in this world. If you are a habitual litterer: Stop littering! Put your trash in the proper trash receptacle. If you do litter, remember the above quote. Someone is watching.
Check out and don’t litter. take crae of your environment.
The creator of has also written a book called Reality Check. It’s available at
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