Face it! Fossil fuels, the kind of fuel that you are using now is not going to be available forever. When there are no fossils to make fuel, have you thought about what will you do?
An increasing number of people are turning to other forms of energy as an alternate to fossil fuels. These alternate energy fuels, generated by various energy forms, are not only cheaper but also environment friendly as compared to fossil fuels that cause a lot of pollution. To save money, you can adopt green construction applications and follow energy saving tips, whereas for being more environment-friendly, you can cut back on the usage of gas and fuel, thereby doing your bit in fighting global warming.
To know more about alternate energy sources, read on –
- Using Solar Energy For Homes – You can generate solar powered electricity for your home by using Solar PV panels or Photovoltaic panels.
- How Does Solar Energy Work – When PV or photovoltaic cells are exposed to hot sunlight, they produce electricity that is used for powering household appliances. In short, this kind of green electricity, so generated, can be used for household consumption.
- Economical Benefit – So, when you are planning to buy or construct your house, ensure that you buy it in a place where there is no dearth of sunlight. You can then install PV panels. The added advantage of this form of energy is that you will only have to bear the cost of the panels. The power itself is free. You can subsidize this form of green electricity via tax incentives and thus, get an additional income.
- Environmental Benefit – As this is a renewable source of green energy, it does not emit any harmful gases or CO2 and is thus, environmental friendly. As a result, you can help reduce environmental impact when you use solar energy.
- Using Wind Energy For Homes – The second source of green energy for your homes is wind energy.
- How Does Wind Energy Work – Wind turbines are used to harness the power of wind and thus generate electricity. The rotary blades of the wind turbine catch wind speed when wind blows. The rotary movement of the blades, then convert the speed to electricity by turning on a generator.
2 types of wind turbines are used to generate power for residential use –
- Free standing wind turbine that ranges between 5 to 6 Kw; and
- Building mounted wind turbine that ranges between 1 to 2 Kw.
Of the two, the building mounted wind turbine is smaller. It is mounted on the top of buildings for residential, as the name suggests.
- Economical Benefits – when you use electricity generated by wind turbine, you can reduce your electricity by a hefty amount and like electricity generated from solar energy, you can create an extra income from the feed-in-tariffs.
- Environmental Benefits – While you save money, you can also play your part in fighting global warming by the reduction of carbon footprint that is caused by using non-renewable source of energy.
These two methods should help you get started in saving energy. Both these forms of green energy can help you save a lot of money.
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