To most people teeth whitening is an expensive process that requires you to visit the dentist countless times and applying concoctions severally on your teeth. However natural teeth whitening is capable of producing as excellent results as those that you will get from dentist administered treatments or home teeth whitening kits. Natural teeth whitening concoctions make use of simple kitchen ingredients which are easy and simple to apply. Despite the results not being as excellent as those acquired from very concentrated treatments, constant application of combined ingredients could be a good way of maintaining naturally white teeth. These natural remedies act alongside consistent dental hygiene habits but should be thoroughly researched before being used. Harmful remedies could result to permanent teeth damage. Here are a few options that you might consider.
► Lemon juice and peels
In this treatment, the teeth are brushed with lemon juice or rubbed across with lemon peels. The active whitening component in this treatment is citric acid contained in lemons. Despite this treatment being quite effective, it weakens calcium in the teeth making them prone to decay and should thus be avoided.
► Hardwood ash
Unfazed by the awful taste of this treatment, some people use it because of its high concentration of lye or potassium hydroxide. Like lemon juice, it might make your teeth whiter but it will also damage tooth enamel after a considerable length of time. This method is not recommended by dentists.
► Strawberries
This might sound like a sweet idea, literally, but just like lemons strawberries contain acids which rid the teeth of calcium. Apart from this, the strawberry seeds could be harmful to the gums and tooth enamel. If the seeds get stuck between the teeth, this could lead to gum diseases such gingivitis. Due to such complication this natural teeth whitening treatment is not recommended.
► Whitening gum
Most teeth whitening gums are not as effective as they claim to be. They work more effectively as complimentary treatments to other agents. They are beneficial as a temporary measure in case you are unable to brush your teeth. Whitening gum is only effective if it is sugarless otherwise it becomes counterproductive.
► Baking soda
This is a very effective tooth whitening treatment which explains its extensive use. It is effective in removing bacteria from the mouth rendering the teeth white and healthy. Gum irritation from this treatment can be reduced by mixing it with salt and then brushing gently. Being both safe and successful, this method is worth trying.
► Peroxide
In this treatment, you gargle hydrogen peroxide in order to whiten your teeth. This method may cause tooth sensitivity but it is quite safe if the peroxide is not swallowed. This remedy is not strong enough for use as a primary treatment since the peroxide concentration is less than that of chemist whiteners. It might be effective for a special occasion though.
► Baking soda and peroxide paste
Tests over time have shown this remedy to be very effective. The ingredients are easily available and safe if properly used i.e. limiting the use to once a week and not ingesting the paste. Equal portion of the two components are mixed into a paste and used for brushing; this is then followed up by normal brushing.
The above recommended methods are only effective if safely done. As stated above, baking soda and peroxide paste is the best remedy however following oral hygiene habits and avoiding staining foods could also keep your teeth white.
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I think what you suggest is a good idea. The strips are a good start, but I wouldn’t want to continue their use for a long period.