Printer ink is one of the most expensive office supplies that businesses have to purchase. Employees create many types of documents, save them to their computer and print a few. Their printers often run out of ink quickly. However, people can refill their ink cartridge rather than purchasing a new one following a few simple steps.
Preliminary Steps
Step 1: Purchase a printer ink refill kit at a nearby supply store.
A lot of discount and office supply stores have plenty of these inexpensive kits. They also have price tags that are less than the cost of a brand new printer ink cartridge.
Step 2: Prepare all needed materials.
This includes some clear scotch tape along with a roll of paper towels. Do not forget a large and comfortable workspace like a desk or table.
Step 3: Remove the empty ink cartridge from the printer.
After doing this, people should remember to close their printer door or lid.
Step 4: Use gloves to cover the hands while working with the refill kit’s messy ink.
Starting the Work
Step 5: After putting on some gloves, a person should take a paper towel and fold it in half a couple of times. They should work over their paper towel in order to catch any kind of leaking ink.
Step 6: Place the empty ce255a ink cartridge into the half-folded towel.
Step 7: Read the refill kit’s instruction manual in order to familiarize ones self with how to refill a particular type of cartridge.
A Steady Process
Step 8: After reading the instruction manual, people should locate the cartridge’s fill holes found at the top.
These are easily located by rubbing the fingers across the cartridge’s label. A number of cartridges also have more than a single hole. They lead to the cartridge’s ink reservoir that will be refilled. A fill hole typically has a sponge in it.
Step 9: Use a sharp object like a screwdriver or knife to pierce the cartridge’s refill holes.
Step 10: Follow the ink refill kit’s instructions to determine what hole to insert every color found in the refill set into.
The Crucial Process
Step 11: Insert a long needle into the refill ink bottle very deeply into the right hole in order to penetrate the foam down into the cartridge’s bottom.
Step 12: Slowly but carefully add the ink to make sure that it does not overfill.
Step 13: Stop quickly when a bit of ink is found oozing out of the bottle. At the same time, slowly release the air without letting go of the cartridge. It is important to suck a little bit of ink away from the cartridge before completely removing the needle.
Step 14: Steadily daub the ce255a ink cartridge onto the paper towel. A person should see an ink splash that leaks out onto the paper towel.
Step 15: Use a tiny piece of clear scotch tape to cover the ink cartridge’s hole.
Step 16: Repeat steps 11 to 15 for every ink color found in the refill kit.
Finishing Touches
Step 17: After the three colors have been refilled, a folded piece of paper towel should be used to carefully blot the cartridge print head. This process may be repeated several times. It should be done until the cartridge stops bleeding.
Step 18: If a clot is faded or shows no trace of color, use a wet paper towel to blot and dry again in order to get the cartridge’s ink flowing.
Step 19: Return the ink cartridge back to the printer.
Step 20: Immediately try to print something in order to get the ink flowing.
Step 21: Always follow the priming or cleaning cycles for the specific printer that is being used.
+Michael Alvarez has been working in the electronics and technology field for over 20 years. He enjoys sharing his knowledge and expertise of ce255 printer toner with others; while continuing to grow his knowledge.
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