In the current world, everyone is looking for ways to conserve the environment. Even companies are looking for better alternatives that will reduce their carbon print. One way is by finding alternatives in plastic production. Plastics are produced using oil based products, and they are not biodegradable. As a result, they are a threat to the environment. Research has been done to find better ways of producing plastic, and the use of hemp for manufacturing plastics has proved to be successful.
Hemp has many uses, especially in the cosmetic industry. However, recent studies have shown that it can be used in the manufacture of plastics. The plastics made using it are biodegradable unlike those made using oil. Being biodegradable means they can decompose, that is good for the environment. There are many dangers associated with the use of the current plastics. They are harmful to both animals and plants. Having biodegradable plastics will help the environment by enriching it with nutrients once it has been disposed of.
There has been an ongoing debate on whether plastics should continue being used. Since the discovery that some plastics can be decomposed, people feel like a solution has been found. The use of renewable plastics will reduce the carbon print greatly, and since they decompose, people will not need to worry about the dangers of having them disposed of after being used.
These plastics are paying the way for a future where only renewable resources will be used. People will switch from using nonrenewable forms of energy and even making plastics that do not decompose after use. There are numerous benefits of using these green plastics made from hemp including:
- They are easy to produce and do not need as much energy as oil plastics. The carbon emitted during the manufacturing process are up to 70% less, and the energy used is over 20% less than that used in the manufacture of oil plastics.
- The carbon print levels are low, and the ozone layer is protected. Hemp absorbs more carbon dioxide than trees during its growth making it useful in cleaning the air.
- They decompose after a short period unlike oil plastics that take many years making them safe for use, and there is no wastage. Once they decompose, they give the soil their nutrients.
- Hemp regenerates quickly making it the ideal resource for the production of plastics and their products. Hemp will always be around since it takes a short time to grow and can frequently be reused making it a more stable source for plastics.
- The fibers used to make the plastics are strong and durable. They are lightweight and can be made into different products.
- Hemp can be recycled 7 times. Also, instead of being bleached with chlorine, hydrogen peroxide can be used since it is safer for the environment.
The use of biodegradable plastics will revolutionize the world by giving people better options for packing bags and other plastics products. The use of biodegradable products should continue being researched and applied in different industries. Using hemp to produce plastics is just one of the many things people can do to refrain from using non-renewable resources like oil. The use of hemp in plastic production is considered beneficial to the environment and the economy, and no parts of the plant are wasted since they all serve a purpose.
This article was written by Ross Kelly from BullasPlastics.
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