Over the past couple of years, consumers have been more involved with their food than ever before. We don’t just care what our food is anymore, but we also care about where it came from, if it’s organic, the country it was farmed from, and so on. This is because people are becoming more and more aware of the conditions that our food is sourced from. People prefer to buy free range eggs and chicken as opposed to caged hens, and we even care if our chickens are corn-fed or not because we believe it produces a better quality product.
In addition to being a higher quality product, sustainable agriculture techniques have started to pave the way for food industries to go green. But what does it actually mean? A sustainable source of food means that the food has been farmed or produced without harming the environment or animal welfare. Sustainable farms create products that don’t rely on toxic chemicals or synthetic fertilisers, they don’t degrade the farmland around them nor do they abuse other natural resources.
If you’re still curious about why you should start buying food from sustainable sources, here’s a few advantages.
The Taste is Incomparable
Sustainable food, without a doubt, tastes far better than food that is loaded with chemicals and synthetic products. Fresh food is somewhat forgotten because our taste buds are so used to the chemically enhanced flavourings that we’re used to nowadays. To preserve your food look into food dehydrators.
Take a look at some labels when you next visit the supermarket and check the strange and alien ingredients in our foods. Sustainably farmed salmon is delicious when paired with a fresh squeeze of lemon and a salad—it doesn’t need heavy amounts of sauce because the flavour is packed into the meat itself.
Contribute to Protecting the Environment
Factory farms generate tonnes of animal waste every week due to the number of animals packed into such a small area. This untreated waste is then left in the open and pollutes the surrounding water, land and air. Industrial crop farms also use chemical fertilisers and other synthetic products to grow their crops. This causes the soil to degrade and all the natural nutrients in the soil eventually degrade until it is no longer capable of naturally growing crops. Another concept is “monocropping”. If farmers use their land to grow a single crop and never diversify their farmland, then it makes those plants more susceptible to diseases and pests.
Raise Health Awareness
Sustainable sources of food promote good health. Industrially produced food is grown and raised with many different chemicals that pollute our food with additives and preservatives. These toxins then enter our bodies when we consume these foods, and they’ve been linked to many different diseases and disorders—including cancer. Since animals are kept in confined spaces and aren’t taken care of, there’s a high chance of diseases spreading rapidly throughout the facility and potentially contaminating the meat. Sustainably farmed food is fresh, full of nutrients, and doesn’t come with nasty side effects that you find in industrial food.
I grow a garden every year and shop at the Farmer’s Market almost every week. Sustainable food is so important!