Packaging is everywhere, from the food we consume to the household products and equipment that we buy on a daily basis. Every single packaging, by law, needs to contain important information such as: name of product and the manufacturer, methods on how to store and use the product, warnings and so forth.
Now, what happens to the packages when there is an error? It’s simple, it’s simply thrown away and a new one is made. It seems a waste to dispose of just one errored package, now imagine on a scale of hundreds?
When manufacturers start the process of manufacturing the packages they do them in batches of hundreds, and even thousands, which is more time efficient. This means that if there is an error that hasn’t been corrected, that specific batch will contain that error. In turn, that batch can NOT be used for packaging products. Thus, it’s thrown away, wasting valuable resources and money.
Packaging materials can vary depending on the product that it needs to protect. These materials are viewed as valuable resources that are slowly being used up.
In our day and age, with the high demand of product offers, and the strict laws in labeling and packaging, it is important to work together to save the planet.
Due to environmental damage and high costs, certain procedures were set in place and new technology was formed to help reduce recalls all together. System engines like Automation Engines, which allow specific checks to be done (graphic, spelling, text, braille – where applicable – and barcode), before the process of printing begins.
A prime example of an Automation Engine is the Automation Engine 16, which Global Vision and Esko worked together to create. It includes Esko’s package managing system loaded with Global Vision’s functionalities. This engine inspects every aspect of the text and graphics of the packaging before it is processed and printed. This automation engine helps save time, money and resources.
If there is a simple mistake on the labeling, graphic or text of the packaging a total recall will occur. Recalls, are not only a waste of money but a waste of resources as well, and can cause harm to the environment if the materials aren’t recyclable, or if the company chooses to not recycle them.
Did you know that most of the plastic containers used for yogurts aren’t recyclable? Which means that; if there was any sort of graphic or text error on a batch of yogurt containers manufacturers wouldn’t be able to recycle them. Instead they would end up dumped causing even more environmental pollution.
The companies now have the technology to minimise label recalls and save resources. Now the next step is to minimise pollution, and this can be done by using recyclable material to manufacture the packaging.
Due to environmental laws, which have put in place regulations and procedures for waste management – and for ethical reasons – companies have tried to adapt to using resources that are more environmentally friendly, such as using soy-based ink instead of petroleum-based. And resources that are recyclable, and/or reusable.
Slowly companies have come up with great ideas to use recyclable material for packaging, from using recycled cardboard paper and plastic, to glass packaging which can be recycled or reused.
Did you know that Dell have now introduced bamboo packaging for their smaller devices and continue packaging their products in packages made from fungal material? Both packaging materials are biodegradable and renewable, and also helped the company cut back its energy use. Many other companies too, are working towards providing a helping hand in fighting environmental pollution.
Everything we purchase is encased within some sort of packaging. We spend most of our lives opening packages and we don’t realise the effect a simple error can be on the environment. The technology, that is constantly evolving, and the support companies are giving to go ‘green’, will soon have a positive effect on the environment. Slowly but surely we will save mother-nature, together.
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