
5 Easy Ways To Turn Your Kitchen Into A Healthy Eating Haven

healthy eatingA kitchen is more than just a place for preparing food and beverages. Sometimes, it can also act as the dining room or even a space for interaction. This is particularly true for small homes and apartments, where there’s just not enough room for a proper dining room.

If this is the case with your own home then you will need to make sure that your kitchen is a healthy place for eating. Although we naturally try to keep our kitchens neat and clean, this level of cleanliness is often not enough to make kitchens healthy eating areas.

Consider for a moment the amount of waste and garbage present in your kitchen. Likewise, think about the amount of dirty dishes and utensils that we usually have around the kitchen.

These are the reasons why most kitchens are not good places to eat in. They are just very dirty. So if you want to deal with this problem then here are five tips that will help you along.

Assign A Special Area for Garbage Disposal

Kitchens produce a lot of household garbage, and you will need to take care of this problem before you can start using yours as dining space.

One way to do this is to simply set aside a special area that is dedicated to the garbage disposal and then keep it as far away from where you eat as possible.

Another good option is to simply set up a special garbage area outside your kitchen so that you won’t have to worry about this problem while you’re eating. Although this may seem inconvenient, it is a great way to keep your kitchen clean and healthy.

A third option is to buy a residential garbage disposal unit. Yes, it costs money, but it is one of the easiest ways to make any kitchen clean. If you can efficiently dispose of all the garbage your kitchen produces regularly, you will be able to use the area for eating.

Assign A Storage Area for Dirty Dishes and Utensils

Dirty utensils and dishes are a fact of life in most kitchens, and if you can’t take care of them fast enough then they tend to stack up. If this is the case in your kitchen then you will need to set aside a special place to store all of these dirty or unwashed items.

“Most people don’t realize they are contaminating their entire kitchen by letting dirty dishes pile up in the sink,” says Tanner from Digital Health Post.

The most obvious answer is to simply put them in the dishwasher once you’re done eating, but this is often not enough to deal with unwashed dishes. So if this is the case in your own kitchen then one way you can deal with the problem is to store your unwashed dishes somewhere else. Learn about the best place sets available – click to read more.

A spare cabinet should do the trick, but you can also try an old container or even a large plastic box that you can discreetly store away at the back of your kitchen.

If those don’t work, perhaps you can try storing your dishes in another room. Just don’t leave them out there for too long. Remember, dirty dishes and utensils will attract bacteria and rodents regardless of where you store them.

Buy Tools Which Are Easy to Clean

The next step in turning your kitchen into an eating haven is to buy items which are easy to clean and maintain. Take for example electric knives. These items are usually difficult to wash because of their electrical components.

So before you buy an electric knife, make sure that it has features that allow it to be washed or cleaned fairly quickly. For more information about the best electric knife 2017 has to offer, click here to choose the best electric knife.Aside from electric knives, there are also other items that you ought to think about, such as frying pans, knives, juicers, works and many others.

These items are generally difficult to clean, so choose those that have special features that make this process easier. If you can do that then you will be able to clean up your kitchen more quickly, which in turn will allow you to have meals there.

Aside from the dishes, utensils, and appliances in your kitchen, you should also consider investing in good cleaning tools and detergents.

The better your kitchen cleaning tools, the easier it will be to clean all the dirty things in your kitchen, which in turn will make your kitchen into a place where you and a few others can eat in peace.

Keep Your Kitchen Illuminated and Ventilated

Aside from the aesthetic benefits, illumination and ventilation can also dissuade rodents and various pests from nesting in certain parts of your kitchen. Rats are the most obvious problem, but certain types of bacteria may also flourish if your kitchen does not have enough ventilation or illumination.

The good news is that keeping your kitchen ventilated is not a hard thing to do. A few extra lamps, a new fan, some new LED light bulbs or maybe a new window can do wonders for your kitchen.

Also, aside from air and light, you can also try adding some air fresheners or even a few plants in your kitchen. These things won’t directly impact the cleanliness of your kitchen, but they can make the environment a little more pleasant for dining.

Set Up A Miniature Dining Area

Finally, you can’t have an eating haven without some dining furniture, which is why you should consider buying some to complete the look. There are all kinds of small dining tables and chairs, which are designed for small spaces and you can use these items to set up a special dining area in your kitchen.

If you have some cash to spare, you can even take the whole thing to the next level by redesigning your kitchen to accommodate some of the new dining furniture that you’ve purchased.

In any case, setting up an eating haven will require you to invest some of your money, but the whole process will be worth it, particularly if you really enjoy eating in your kitchen.


About the Author Lita Watson:

Hi there! I’m Lita, voice of and I’m absolutely in love with cooking blogs. I’m a beginner in cooking and i try my best to make it quick and easy. Even though, it’s not always quick and easy to keep up with fancy dinners… so i keep learning and blogging about quick and easy ways to create delicious and yummy foods for my two kids and a wonderful husband.

Clay Miller
the authorClay Miller
I am the creator/writer of and I'm an advocate for oceans, beaches, state parks. I enjoy all things outdoors (e.g. running, golf, gardening, hiking, etc.) I am a graduate of the University of Kentucky (Go Wildcats!!). I'm also a huge fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers. I was born and raised in the beautiful state of Kentucky.

1 Comment

  • The best area of garbage disposal for me is outside the house. What I always do when I cook is that I prepare a paper bag for the garbage then throw it in my garbage can outside after all the peelings and cooking. That way, I can eliminate the odor inside my kitchen and don’t worry much about the cleaning after every meal. It also helps me to minimize bugs in my kitchen, especially flies.

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