In this modern world, there is a serious threat from the effects of climate change, more extreme weather is occurring due to our climate changing in ways that we can’t imagine. Soon, we will all have to cut our carbon footprint significantly in order to try and turn the tide on this process. However many scientists fear it is too late, and we have realised our part in global warming too late to make any substantial amount of difference to it. This being said, both for the good of the planet, and for the good of yourself, it’s always a great idea to take the green option when living your life. Only use recyclable materials, do not waste food, and if you’re feeling really adventurous, you could stop eating meat for the good of the planet too! But if you’re looking for that extra little push, and you believe the world needs a big push as well, here are some tips on how to use anarchism to affect change!
Meat substitute swap!
It’s a well known fact that a lot of energy and fuel is expended in the farming, raising and slaughtering of animals to provide meat products to a community. If everyone stopped eating meat, we would see a massive decrease in our carbon footprint as a whole species, but how do you get the ball rolling with those that don’t seem to be bothered about this wasted energy? Well a great way to do it, which is a bit mischievous, is to swap out your families meals for vegetarian substitutes. Agree to cook everyone an amazing, delicious dinner including chicken, use one of the many popular chicken substitutes instead of meat. When it comes time to serve, watch and see them not even notice it’s not meat! You can let the secret slip at any time you want, and you might even turn some of your family on to a greener way of sustaining themselves!
Solar Power
Solar Power is a great way of going green and remaining off the grid as well. The more solar power you produce from equipment you set up yourself, the more you can save on your electric bill! Research a little bit more into the world of solar power and see if there is a supplier of panels in or around your area. You can fit them onto your house and reap the benefits of clean energy, visit all the sites you usually would: ebay, BBC News, Review all absolutely off your own renewable energy. More and more people are cottoning on to this, so don’t be left out!
Grow your own vegetables
This is a great way to start being self sufficient in 2018! All you need is grass, if you have a back garden, this will be easy! Start planting your own vegetables! Potatoes, Tomatoes, Leeks, Aubergines, absolutely anything you want! When you grow your own, you’re in complete control! You can become completely self sustaining in no time, and you can become a complete healthy cooking whiz at the same time!
There you go, just a few suggestions on how to save nature in your own little way! That way you can stop worrying so much about your effect on the planet, because you’ll know you’re doing all that you can to turn the tide on such a universal problem!
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