The human race and its infinite struggle to improve its standard of living have consistently depended on huge amounts of electric power in order to fuel our evolution. National Geographic estimated that we use about 320 billion kilowatts per hour of energy each day.
And most of this colossal requirement is fulfilled by burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels have provided our energy needs very efficiently so far. However, these energy sources are rapidly depleting since there are non-renewable. Moreover, fossil fuels have also greatly contributed to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
And now, the time has come to find a better and more suitable alternative energy for fossil fuels. Here come the renewable energy sources that will meet the growing future energy demands.
Wind Power
Wind power is captured with the help of using massive turbines. These massive turbines generate electricity when they spin. Although wind power is not a practical option for homeowners, wind energy is more popular for utility-scale applications.
Large wind farms span many square miles around the world. Wind energy has become an important and growing renewable source that supplies electricity grids worldwide. As a matter of fact, wind farms produced over 6% of the electricity that is used in the United States last year.
Just like how wind can produce energy for electricity, moving water can also generate enough energy when moving water runs through a turbine and spinning it in order to produce electricity. This usually happens at waterfalls or large dams where water drops are significantly in elevation.
Most renewable energy sources being discovered have yet to make a significant impact on the overall electricity mix; however, hydropower is already a major player. There are huge hydroelectric facilities across the United States which contributed to around 7.5% of electricity last year.
Just like wind power, hydropower is a non-polluting energy source since there are no emissions generated from any hydroelectric facilities. It does, however, have an environmental impact since it can change currents, water levels and migration paths for fish and underwater life.
Geothermal Energy
Earth itself has a massive energy source from within. Trapped heat when Earth was formed combined with the generated heat from radioactive decay in rocks beneath the crust leads to a colossal amount of geothermal heat energy. From time to time, that heat escapes in huge amounts all at once which we witness as volcanic eruptions. energy can capture and used as energy by using steam from heated waters to spin turbines. Water is pumped below ground in a geothermal spring system. Once heated, it rises back to the surface as steam and spin turbine in order to generate electricity.
Although it is still a small part, geothermal energy is a promising alternative energy source with a massive potential for energy supply. In Iceland, for instance, geothermal energy already catered for 90% of home heating needs and 25% of electricity needs. There are some concerns, however, about geothermal energy which includes the cost of constructing a geothermal powerplant and its relation to earthquakes and surface instability.
Solar Energy
Solar power is probably the most popular type of renewable energy nowadays. Solar energy comes from the powerful rays of the sun which supplies the entire Earth with the energy needed in order to survive. the help of solar panels, we can now harvest enough energy directly from the sun and convert it into electricity in order to power our businesses and homes. From solar water heating systems to charging battery systems, solar energy can help.
Solar energy not only gives you the energy to fuel your home and business, but it can also benefit both the environment and your bank account. As of now, the cost for solar panels is constantly dropping and having solar energy installed on your home will save you money over the lifetime of your installation. And most important of all, solar energy does not harm or pollute the environment meaning you can help in reducing environmental damage by switching to solar panels as your energy source.
Non-renewable energy sources are on the brink of depletion. Whereas, the world population and its energy demands are rising more than ever. And this is why people continue to look for a suitable alternative energy of all forms in order to meet the future energy demands.
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