Going green is a new trend among students, as more and more students understand the positive consequences of a responsible and healthy lifestyle. College is a time of exploration and experimentation.
“During the college, every student is laying the foundation of his future by taking decisions every day. Of course, that’s how life works, yet unfortunately, a student who’s overwhelmed by studies will rarely consider the long-term effects of his present behaviors and lifestyle.” – Jane Wilson, CEO at assignment service Assignment Masters.
As you’ve probably guessed, this post will detail 10 easy yet effective lifestyle changes that students can effortlessly implement to “go green”.
The purpose? A healthier lifestyle, an improved mental performance, and an exceptional example for others. Let’s see how you can live an eco-friendly life while you’re still in college!
1. Take Electronic Notes Only
The digital era comes with both benefits and disadvantages. Well, a great eco benefit would be that less paper needs to be used in order for information to be stored, transferred, and used.
Instead of following the traditional way (pen and paper), you can use your laptop, tablet, or smartphone to take smart notes in the class. If you stop buying paper, you’re wasting less money and you’re helping the forests stay intact!
2. Reuse Old Water Bottles
Most students are too busy to consider reusing their old water bottles. The easiest way is to buy, consume, and throw away. Unfortunately, many students erroneously recycle the plastic bottles, making them end up in the wrong place. Some students don’t even bother recycling, so they’ll make a lot of waste during their college years.
The smartest and greenest way to drink your water is to get a BPA-free water bottle that can be constantly refilled. Do it, and both your wallet and the nature will be truly grateful.
3. Power Down More Regularly
Another way of going green during college implies using your electronics more wisely, and also reducing the power usage as much as you can. Think about it – by adopting a simple habit of turning the lights down (for example) while you’re not in the room, you’re reducing your electricity costs while becoming a more responsible and disciplined student.
4. Buy Less and Only What You Truly Need
What’s the meaning of shopping to you? Are you shopping responsibly? Are you buying only what you need?
I’m asking you because shopping is a habit that can bring both empowering and disempowering consequences. Remember: you’re living in a consumer culture that encourages irresponsible buying habits.
What happens with the products you buy irresponsibly? They go to waste, and so do your money. Establish your priorities and stop buying everything that tempts you!
5. Eat Less Meat
Meat consumption is a controversial topic. Eating animals is surely an immoral behavior that most cultures are currently tolerating. If it’s tolerated, it doesn’t mean it’s good.
Avoiding meat is a tough task, especially if you can’t afford all the eco-labeled products around your campus. Generally, eating less meat is a choice of lifestyle. The greatest benefit for cutting off the meat is the fact that you’re avoiding all the chemicals and GMOs that most of today’s meat contains. You’ll feel less heavy, you’ll have more energy to study and work, and you can feel proud for not contributing (even if it’s indirectly) to the slaughter of other living beings.
6. Cut Down the Water Usage
Cut your shower time to half, turn off the water while you’re washing your teeth, your face, and other parts of your body.
By reducing cutting off 4 minutes of your regular shower time, you can save 3,650 gallons and 24 hours each year.
7. Support Responsible, Eco-Friendly Brands
What products and services are you supporting? If you buy junk food and environmentally damaging products, you’re encouraging those brands to keep hurting you, other people, and nature itself.
Switch your choices and try buying your products from responsible, eco-friendly companies who care not just about you, but also about the environment.
8. Surround Yourself with Plants
Put some plants in your room and witness the differences. I can give you a clue: your room will be fresher, your energy will skyrocket, your sleep will get better, your appetite will grow, and you will generally feel better. At the same time, you’ll set an example that other colleagues could follow.
9. Cook Your Own Healthy Meals and Eliminate Junk Food
Very few students understand the true importance of a healthy nutrition during college. Those that do, well, they’ll be able to perform better in every step of their way.
Our brain processes are heavily influenced by the food we eat every day. If you’re able to cook your own healthy meals, you should definitely go for it. If you can’t, start looking for greener products. Seek fresh foods and avoid processed ones. Most importantly, avoid junk food like fast-food, processed meat, and sugar.
10. Transportation – Walking, Riding, and Taking the Bus
Instead of polluting the air and crowding the streets by driving a car, you can start walking, riding a bike, or taking the bus to school.
You can save the money you’d normally pay for gas to improve your green style living, and you can be proud for encouraging pollution.
Improving your college lifestyle is often a tough job. Every change requires a certain degree of effort, will, and work. In case you’re undecided and wondering whether a greener lifestyle is truly for you, take some time to assess the benefits first. Count your decisions wisely and take your present and future to new heights!
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