
Modern Methods of Storage of Grains

storage of grains

Grain storage management is an elaborate task that carefully undertakes all the steps and processes- thus procedures- that are central to the safety and furthering of grain. At the end of it all, food is of utmost and vital importance.

Let it be understood through a simple, uncomplicated limerick: if there’s no grain, there’ll be never a gain!

In the entire concept of food chain, it’s the food grain that’s of utmost and foremost importance. We live to eat or eat to live- whatever one might say rests solely on grain and therefore, grain management system. If there won’t be proper safeguarding and prolonging of food-grains, how can there ever be any food?

Can one possibly describe a set of practices that concern grain storage management in any other way in the world’s largest democracy where both- a lack of food leads to deprivation and where excesses of wastage often go unreported and uncared for?

But before any kind of grain undergoes transformation into becoming a proper food material, it undergoes a process of grain storage management. It is this vital step that looks after the safety, storage and adequate measures taken to extract the best from what’s in stock.

A number of processes are involved in the procedure of grain storage management:

  1. The quality of food grains are inspected properly.
  2. Analyzing a sample of food-grains for physical parameters carries out the above and involves- mycotoxin contamination and pesticide residue.
  3. It’s always a better practice to refer to a code of practices for scientific storage of food grains.
  4. Of course, it goes without saying that if not subjected to proper storage then, grain storage management as a practice falls on its face, with plenty of food grains falling prey to pests, contamination, and therefore, an absolute wastage.
  5. Imagine the amount of grain wasted, at the end of the day, could’ve been subjected to use by the hungry, listless, downtrodden and the deprived.
  6. An implicit factor in grain storage management, rather grain storage management in India is the usage of containers or silos that ultimately keep grains- the labour of a farmer’s intense rigour- safe.
  7. This further leads to an important assessment. “What kind of a storage platform, i.e., silo(s) should be used for ensuring proper grain storage management?”


Should metal silos be used or should any other form of grain storage silos be made use of?

To understand it succinctly, one’s well advised to understand the benefits of either form of grain storage.

Rostfrei Steels Pvt. Ltd. a reputed manufacturer of steel silos says that “Metal silos for grain storage management prove an effective antidote for avoiding contaminating elements such as pests and other forms of reactions that threaten the food grains- water, toxic liquids and pests. It’s not that hard to source customized designs of metal silos for grain storage that help the grain retain its actual quality.


Bottom Line

Other forms, such as corrugated steel silos- made of ripple steel sheet- are also used especially for possessing high tensile strength as well as for possessing a non-reactivity to various substances. When it comes to improving the segregation, strength and relative ease of pumping concrete, corrugated steel silos are used specifically.

A cluster of the above activities ensures effective grain storage management.


Authors’ Profile

Rohan has been writing agriculture & water management related articles for years, specializing in civil & technology arena. He has also completed a number of articles, press releases, and informational brochures for Rostfrei Steels Pvt. Ltd.

Clay Miller
the authorClay Miller
I am the creator/writer of and I'm an advocate for oceans, beaches, state parks. I enjoy all things outdoors (e.g. running, golf, gardening, hiking, etc.) I am a graduate of the University of Kentucky (Go Wildcats!!). I'm also a huge fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers. I was born and raised in the beautiful state of Kentucky.

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