Your outdoor area or the garden is something more than a private place. According to the ecology, your garden is another jigsaw part of the landscape. It does not matter whether you live in a busy city apartment, or a rural house, you can make your garden and take green actions to save the insects to help balance the ecological system. Whatever the extent of the garden, it can contribute to natural functions and manners in the local area, such as regulating water drainage, buffering the effects of the strong wind and providing food, and shelter for native wildlife or insects. You can play a part and save the insects.
The most alarming thing is that the population of the insects is in danger. Studies across the world show that more than 75% of insect species are a risk of extinction over the three decades. This decline in the insect population is the outcome of four drastic reasons: habitat loss, pollution, diseases, and microorganisms, commonly known as pathogens and non-native species and climate change. These issues seem tough to handle on a personal basis. But we all have to try from our sides to save the insects. You can practice many green actions to protect insects if you have your garden. Moreover, you should take steps to make your younger and children conscious of the lifecycle of the insects to make them aware of the importance of insects in our environment.
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Insects and wildlife are our silent friends, but many of us hardly understand this fact. They are on the verge of extinction because of our brutal activities. Whether your garden is big or small, and whatever the experience you have, there are always some ways you can take to protect the insects and make a difference. Here are listed some green actions you can take in your garden to save the insects:
Keep Pesticide Away
We have been depending more on pesticides from the few past decades. The components of pesticides kill insects and other bugs. These materials are often random in their actions, harming both their target species and others that appear to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Eliminating the use of these harmful pesticides and chemicals in your garden, you can save thousands of insects instantly and successfully.
Make Your Fertilizer by Yourself
One excellent way to make your fertilizer is a natural leaf mold. From leftover food to pulled-up weeds and grass, you can use everything to make the fertilizer. These fertilizers are one of the greener ways to grow your plants and also save the insects in your garden.
Use Pest-Free Alternatives
Formed over thousands of years age, Peatland is an antiquated habitat for insects and bugs supporting a unique array of species. But it is also a prime global store of Carbon. The exploitation of this peat to burn for energy causes the release of Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that is a severe threat to our life. You can help reduce the intensity of Carbon dioxide released in the environment by using the alternatives of peat, for instance, bark, coir, wood fiber, green compost in your garden. This way, you can also save the insects in your garden.
Give Insects Shelter by Letting the Grass Grow
Lack of habitat and fragmentation is one of the main reasons for decreasing the insect population. If you have a lawnmower, then give it rest for a while and let the grass grow a bit more in your garden. While doing mowing, cutting less often and less closely will help provide pollinators places to nurture and shelter among the grass. You can also help the insects in your garden by sowing some wildflowers.
Another less-costly way to give habitat and save insects is with a small woodpile in one corner of your garden where bugs and insects can nest and feed. This microhabitat will fade over time and provide your garden a beautiful natural look also. If every garden like yours had a little patch for insects and bugs collectively, it would seemingly be the largest area of wildlife habitat in the universe.
Watch Out for Stowaways
Your small steps can make a huge difference in saving the insects and bugs as they help to keep the balance of our mother-nature. We know that insects are an indispensable part of our nature, and endangering their lives will ultimately threaten our owns.
Every year, there occurs a transport of plants and trees costing billions of dollars. These plants and trees may surely add colors to your house or garden, but they bring stowaways. These stowaways are surely unwanted. Non-native species like flatworms can cause havoc on native bugs and insects. Some of these stowaways can also carry diseases that can impact on the lifecycle of the native insects. In many cases, you should not import plants in your garden. Your local horticulturalists are quite capable of growing plants and trees and selling them to the local stores. By purchasing home-grown plants and trees, you can help to halt invasive species from entering your garden and saving the insects in your garden.
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