
The Pros and Cons of Infrared Heaters

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Infrared heaters work similarly to sunlight in the creation of heat. The lights are invisible because it’s not a spectrum that the human eye can recognize. Infrared can be absorbed by the skin, fabrics, and other objects around us.

This is warmer and more comfortable than direct sunlight because you can use curtains to block unnecessary light. As for how the sun operates inside the home, these devices will only give heat to the people or things directly around it.

There are so many heaters out there that it can be hard to describe all their specifications. Fortunately, you can get more information about their features at this link and decide whether this is for you. Some of these devices can be powered by natural gas, propane, or electricity. They offer differences in design, controls, and output levels as well.

Know that there are drawbacks and benefits, and they are generally applied to most of the appliances. Some are so effective that they are the ones used by people to heat up their workplaces or bedrooms during the long and cold winter months. This is definitely worth considering aside from your furnace.

How Does this Heater Compare to Others?

Fire, Fireplace, Flame, Hot, Heat, Embers, Orange, Glow

These infrared devices are emitting rays that are absorbed by various things inside the house. As a result, they gently increase the surroundings and temperature of the home. They can work well in small areas and other specific rooms like an office. They can be oil-filled or fan-forced, and they are very effective.

The garage heaters are for places that don’t have enough insulation. They can provide more extensive coverage in some areas and a blast of warm air when it’s snowing outside.

Baseboard radiators are great for hallways and bedrooms. They are very popular because they can be easily installed, safe, and they keep a low profile. 

Other options are the oil-filled warmers that are efficient, safe, and affordable. The heat is efficiently radiated throughout the rooms. Read more about oil-filled devices on this page.

Fireplaces have been used in many houses in the past decades, and they can serve as decorations in homes. They add heat through wood as fuel, and it’s comfortable for an actual fire to burn inside your living room when the temperature is so cold. 

You can skip the traditional wood burners and go with the electrical-powered ones because they tend to be safer and cleaner. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, and here are some reasons why you should consider infrared.

Benefits of an Infrared Heater

Heater, Battery, Cells, Hot, Red, Heat, Warming, Energy

Instant Heat

These heaters can work instantly, and they have precise beams that emit out particles. Instead of the particles around getting heated, they are more direct. The particles are thrown in a steady stream, and there’s no gradual circulation, unlike with other types. 

With these handy devices, you don’t have to wait for a time before you can get out of the cold. The warming up is a rapid process, and the heat is fast-acting. It can dispel the chill, and you can use this when you decide to lay on the couch and watch tv, or you choose to work on your desk and get comfortable. The heat is focused primarily on you and less on the entire room.

Healthy, Gentle, and Silent Option

The infrared warmers can work silently because they generally don’t have any fans. They work by radiating light, and this is excellent for noise-sensitive areas. You can put them inside your bedroom, and they just provide warmth all through the night.

They feature heat coils that are evenly transferred and a more reliable source of warmth. Polished metals bound the reflection of the coils, and the effect is a comfortable, gentle source that’s felt by people a few yards away.

Some homeowners may be interested to know that these are actually healthier alternatives because they don’t necessarily reduce the oxygen content and humidity inside a room. Others may cause static electricity in furniture and other things inside the room, while some can make your sinuses dry.

Since these devices produce the same type of warmth as sunlight, you can enjoy the natural benefits of the heat without going outside of your home. You can also decrease your exposure to the dangerous ultraviolet rays, and some even promote healthier circulation.

Eco-Friendly and Affordable Option

You don’t have to worry about adding to the pollutants inside your rooms. These devices can operate without the need for toxic substances and carbon combustion. You don’t have to deal with fuel lines and open flames that are evident in fireplaces. More importantly, they don’t add anything to the air you’re breathing, and they are not also taking anything from it.

Since they are good at warming specific areas that are near them, you don’t have to worry about the electric bills skyrocketing. No need to preheat the room, unlike a furnace, because they can work almost instantly. Some only use about 300 watts of electricity, but the output is nearly 100% of heat being transferred out. This is very efficient and comes at a lower cost.

Minimal Maintenance Required

The maintenance that’s generally required for the heater is only minimal. You don’t need to replace any air filters; no motor that can wear out in time, no moving parts, and the absence of lubrication. You don’t have to maintain them like your HVAC system. All you have to do is to clean the reflectors at times so your device can work more efficiently.

Cons of Using


It’s important to know that these devices can become very hot, so they should be placed somewhere that’s out of children’s reach. This can also apply to pets. Fortunately, today, manufacturers are making safer alternatives where the units are encased in cooler enclosures, and the heat is only dispersed with fans. The traditional models have emergency tip-over switches and automatic shut-off functions for the safety of everyone. 

Research and ask questions first before buying. The heaters may emit an orangey glow, which you should not look at for a very long time. Read the warning and risks on the labels before buying. Aside from these cons, heaters can still be a safer and cost-effective alternative to fireplaces as long as you’re cautious when handling them.

Clay Miller
the authorClay Miller
I am the creator/writer of and I'm an advocate for oceans, beaches, state parks. I enjoy all things outdoors (e.g. running, golf, gardening, hiking, etc.) I am a graduate of the University of Kentucky (Go Wildcats!!). I'm also a huge fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers. I was born and raised in the beautiful state of Kentucky.