In today’s world, everyone is doing their part to go green. If you’re thinking about putting on a new roof or refurbishing the old one by incorporating green ideas into the fold, we have some tips that will help you through this process:
Tip #1:
When you hear about a demolition of an interstate or shopping center, do some investigation and find out who is in charge. If you find that the roofing materials are all in one piece, bargain with the contractor and see if you can purchase and haul it away yourself. This would not only be convenient, but a great way to help the environment.
Tip #2:
Check the internet to locate any restoration warehouse sales where roofing materials are to be auctioned off. Contractors most often will do their bulldozing projects and put away materials that can be used. For more savings, try looking into construction salvage yards for additional supplies.
Tip #3:
Another place to look on the internet are stores who deal in antique supplies. You will probably pay a higher price, but think how great it would be to get your hands on a hidden supply of cedar shakes. Check into an internet site called “Recycling the Past” where customers can ask to be notified about any roofing materials they get in.
Tip #4:
Spend the day out in the country and scout around for any barns or structures that have been deserted. The roofing on barns is usually well constructed and sturdy, so you may get lucky and find some great materials available to you.
Tip #5:
Underlayment is a necessity when it comes to the construction of roofs. Recovering the excess from lumber that has been processed is an obvious way to go green.
Tip #6:
Environmentally green roofs are constructed out of supplies that are natural and include cedar shakes, slate and clay tiles. They usually are quite costly, however the best part about going green is that the roof lasts a long time and the more it matures, the better it looks in appearance.
Tip #7:
Solar roofs are a great value as they not only save you double the money by lowering your heating and cooling expenses but they will also last for many years to come. Solar roofs can be installed during new construction or an addition to your existing roof.
Tip #8:
Select a trusted and licensed roofing company to help you find a great deal on restored supplies that are in excellent condition.
Tip #9:
Vegetative roofing is a fascinating option for homes with flat roofs. Here is the website so you can see what it all entails:
Tip #10:
If you’re an enthusiast of going green when it comes to your roofing needs, you can always choose to construct your home on a deep bluff where your roof is made of green turf and dandelions. Think of all the money you can save on air conditioning.
Have fun selecting the perfect green solution!
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