When you think of ways to ‘go green,’ your oral hygiene routine is unlikely something you consider, but perhaps you should. There are several ways to green your oral hygiene routine and your efforts not only help keep the world in which we live a great place, but also improve your smile. Here are a few easy ways to go green with your oral hygiene routine!
Water Conservation
Many people turn on the water the moment they walk into the bathroom to brush their teeth and leave it running until they’re finished. If you’re brushing correctly, that is at least two minutes (and probably longer) that your water is running down the drain. This wastes water and adds digits to the water bill that you likely don’t want to pay. Reduce water waste by turning the faucet off until it’s time to rinse. You’ll save as much as 56 gallons of water each week!
Change Your Toothbrush
A compostable toothbrush is made up of 100% recycled plant-based materials, reducing the number of toothbrushes that end up in landfills every year. More than 450 million toothbrushes help contribute to carbon footprint and toxins, but a simple switch is all that it takes to make a difference. The bamboo-designed toothbrushes are affordable with several brands offering their own all-natural toothbrush selection.
All-Natural Toothpaste
It is time to switch the toothpaste that you currently use. Numerous all-natural toothpaste options are available from several different brands. Opt for an all-natural toothpaste and enjoy fresh breath and great oral health care that is also safe for the environment. These toothpaste choices are made using recycled packaging, contain no harmful ingredients or toxins, and they break down easier than other products.
Choose a ‘Green’ Dentist
The dentist like this Dentist in Orlando chosen to provide dental care for yourself and family should be someone who cares about the environment and uses green techniques in his dental care and inside the office. Digital technology is one simple way that dental clinics ‘go green,’ so look for an agency that uses this technology in their care. Of course, this is just the start of the things that a ‘green’ dentist will do to show his care for the environment, so keep your eyes wide open when searching for the professional to provide your dental care.
Final Thoughts
It is the small things make a huge impact on your life. Do not miss the chance to use the small things to make a big difference in your quality of life. The tips above are those anyone can use to do their part to help the environment and make it a better place to live. As a bonus, you can be sure that you’ll have a beautiful smile that impresses everyone that you meet for a long time to come. It is easy to use these tips in your daily oral health routine, so what are you waiting for? You can do your part to ‘go green,’ even when caring for yourself!
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