green living

agriculturegreen living

The Top 4 Gardening Tips For Seniors

Gardening is an amazing pastime for people of all ages, however, it can be an especially great pastime for seniors and aging adults. Seniors often are limited in what they can do, this is often due to their ability to...

going green cars
green living

Cars and Going Green – How the Two Tie Together

Photo by Bruna Soares on Unsplash There’s no denying that leading a green life comes with many benefits. Some of the benefits such as conserving the Earth’s natural resources and reducing environmental pollution are more obvious. But others are less...

green livinghealth

How can kefir help my health? 

Kefir is a fermented, cultured milk drink that originated in the mountainous areas between Europe and Asia. It is a dairy product that is very similar to yogurt, however it has a much thinner consistency. This is one reason why...

green jobs
environmentgreen living

Be the Solution: 4 Rapidly-Growing Green Jobs

Environmentally-responsible people are considering a plethora of ways to be responsible global citizens and stewards of our planet. Many common methods for going green and living sustainably involve modifying consumption habits and shopping with discernment, but there are other methods...

roasting your own coffee
green living

Roasting your own coffee (Benefits)

Are you one of the people who cannot stay without taking coffee? Are you tired of buying roasted coffee? Do you think that you can also roast your coffee and enjoy it alone or with your loved ones? If this...

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