The market for eco-friendly products is growing at an incredible pace, and there are a couple of reasons why. First, the general public has become more aware of environmental issues over the last few decades and started to clamor for products that do less harm. In addition, there is an extremely vocal minority working to bring about change by hammering government agencies to adopt environmentally favorable policies. And then there are manufacturers that are taking a closer look at eco-friendly alternatives when it comes to their supply chain and their products. Whether their leadership is interested in green materials and operations or they’re simply looking to save a few bucks through conservation efforts, they’re helping to push the market for green products. But there are still quite a few people who aren’t terribly motivated to purchase items simply because they’re green, and even some who prefer not to support such enterprises. How can they be convinced of the error of their ways?
Whether you manage an environmentally-conscious corporate entity looking to expand its consumer base or you’re a private individual hoping to convince non-believers to adopt your conservationist ideals, there are ways to motivate consumers to go green. Obviously, companies have more to gain from converting consumers to eco-friendly buying, so let’s start there. In truth, the undertaking is probably not as difficult as you might imagine. Even those who are skeptical about the forecast for our planet are not likely to turn down a good deal. So while they might not be motivated by some kind of altruistic urge to splurge on products that benefit the Earth, you can almost certainly reach them on a different level by providing some other kind of added value.
For example, a company that can provide green products at less expense than non-environmental competitors may just steal some customers that would otherwise purchase harmful products. Or you might try listing additional benefits of your products that will appeal to consumers on a whole other level. Green cleaning solvents provide a good example here; they are great for households with small children because they feature none of the toxic chemicals of “regular” products. In addition, they can help to prevent the allergies and asthma that are known concerns with their chemical-laden competitors. If you can find out what motivates people to buy certain products in the first place you can use it to your advantage when it comes to marketing your own goods.
As for individuals hoping to bring friends and acquaintances to their cause, the best way to motivate others is to show them that the proof is in the pudding. If you’ve found that green goods benefit your household and your bankbook and you can spout off good quotes on specific products, you’re bound to bring people around to your way of thinking. Delivering a lecture on the environmental reasons for buying certain products might not be the best way to win some people over. But when consumers start to see the personal benefits of going green, they’re far more likely to make the switch, and buying eco-friendly products could become a habit.
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