Tag Archives: India


History of Yoga in the West

Yoga is an act of stimulating your mind and body to attain a state of relaxation by referring to several spiritual and physical principles. With the help of various postures and meditation, one can acquire the balanced state procuring yoga....

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Wondrous Silk

Silk in either manufactured or wild form has been used by mankind for thousands of years. This wonderful material is produced by a variety of insects and has been used for everything from the weaving of beautiful fabrics to current...

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Top 10 Eco-Tours in India

An eco-tour does not mean exploring the best that nature has to offer, for that could harm the environment inadvertently. An eco-tour is a trip to a destination, or an environment, exploring it, and studying it without harming the ecological...

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10 Must-try Eco-tours in Asia

If you thought that caring for the environment meant never taking trips abroad or traveling to new, exciting places then think again. Eco-tourism has gone mainstream, and now even the most luxurious holidays can be enjoyed responsibly, it just takes...